Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Natural" bases for your fly vise

Hey y'all,
I saw a friend's post on facebook tonight and had to share it with you. 
A company over in Michigan called The Granite Fly makes fly tying bases out of various shapes and sizes of granite.  I think this would be a pretty neat accessory for either tying at home or out in front of audiences. 
Check out the website and definitely check out the Galleries

(I am not endorsing, soliciting, or getting anything by pimping this company, I just thought it was a novel concept) 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

2012 trout fishing practice run.

First time out with the fly rod for this year and it went pretty well.  Had breakfast in River Falls at the South Fork Cafe with a pretty good sized group of the club members of the Saint Paul Fly Tiers and then left for fishing from there.  The sun was out, snow was melting, I'm guessing we were in the mid 50's for air temperature, spring was definitely in the air.
Based on information from the day before, our little sub-group of the club ventured over to the Rush.   We explored several bridges only to find that the river was blown out.  Total Chocolate milk. 
Without getting into all the drama this may have entailed, and losing the Canadian....again, we went back to the Kinni and rigged up.  Oh, and I found out that what Mother Feiker calls the Pig Farm, didn't have any pigs.  Yeah, I gave him a lot grief on that one.  Seriously, only my friends would name something after something that's not what it is.
Anyway, the Kinni was stained, but fishable.  We all caught fish, using wets and nymphs.  Small black Stone flies and midges were present, but there was no dry fly action on our stretch.  Bummer. 
The added bonus to being out on the river this beautiful spring day after being cooped up for four months was that I got to fish with my newest bamboo fly rod that Steve Yasgur had built for me.  It was a lot of fun, but I need a couple more outings with it to be thoroughly sure of it's fun factor.  ;) 
That's it, that's all I got for you for this report.