Greetings my friends! I know I have been a horrible blogger this year, but my lame excuse is that I really have been a little more busy than normal since going back to school for an MBA. With that, I plan to do a couple of posts to highlight a couple of fishing outings taken in 2013.
This spring I managed to get out and fish the Rush River a couple of times. Nothing epic, but it was all I could squeeze in before my August vacation.
Critter with a Rainbow on the Madison |
Madison River
We drove straight out to the ranch house we were to stay at for a couple of days in Cameron, Montana. At the end of our driveway was the famous Madison River. We prepped Peters new drift boat (the "Annie B") and floated the Madison River two days in a row and caught some rainbows on Trude's and pink nymph droppers. The fish didn't come very easily, but Doug managed to catch a whitefish.
Doug on the Beaverhead R. |
Beaverhead River
We then floated the Beaverhead River, which was a very pretty little thing. It was barely wide enough for a boat at times. But we managed, and that included us all getting on the floor of the boat as we went under one bridge. We caught a few rainbows and browns, and things got better when I cracked the code with the "right" hopper pattern that they would go for. Doug was able to hook and land a whitefish. I could spend years fishing that river and be content as it had so much character.
Stillwater River |
Stillwater River
We fished a couple of sections of this river. One was at a landing, the other was along the property of a lodge. The owner-operator invited us to fish his property as he didn't have any guests staying there for a few days. Which was really nice of him, but the fishing was pretty much dead. Peter did land a couple of trout; Doug was able to land several whitefish!
Doug's first 20" brown! |
Bighorn River
We moved on to fish the Bighorn river for our remaining four days. We stayed at the Cottonwood and hooked up with our buddies from the Fly Angler fishing crew. Peter, Doug and I caught lots of browns and rainbows. Doug managed to find and hook more whitefish....he sure has a way with finding those things. On the last day I believe I lost the 2nd largest fish I have ever hooked on that river. But all was great. At one point, on the last spot we fished on the last day, all three of us had a fish on at one time. We had a lot fun at that spot!