Temp: 49 degrees
Wind: tolerable
Water: 39 degrees
Weather: partly sunny
We floated 3 to B today, the weekend rental boats were out in force. We hit a few spots, and floated ahead of them. We parked at pipeline and sat and napped a little on the bank for several hours waiting and hoping to see heads rise for all the midges that were blanketing the surface.

Nothing ever materialized, but it was nice to hang out, drink beer and snooze in the sun. We decided to move on around 4pm to see find a good a place to nymph. We hit two or three places, then settled in not to far up river from Craig Matthews place (of Oakley). We hit the jackpot, and it was a lot of fun. I landed one nicely colored brown, and 7 nice rainbows, I had about a dozen more takes as well. The ticket seemed to be #18 orange Ray Charles. The Bob's were doing just as well, and we were all having a great time. We called it quits at about 8pm as it was getting to dark and we had a mile and a half to go before the landing.

do want to take a second and raise my glass to my buddy Barber John, who is pulling through his operation and to say that on most the fish we landed tonight, we shouted out our favorite Quote of Barber John which is "Make 'em pay!" And we did. :) We miss you John!
Also, to my wife, cell phone service still sucks out here, but that is supposed to change later this summer, so that's good news for when I retire out here in August. :)
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